Ирис Германика (Iris Germanica)
- Acropole -
- Alcazar -
- Alicia Ann -
- Ambassadeur -
- AmethystFlame -
- Amsterdam -
- Apache Warrior -
- Apricot Frosty -
- Apricot Silk -
- Arpege -
- Attention Please -
- Autumn Encore -
- Babbeling Brook -
- Bandera Waltz -
- Barrister -
- Batik -
- BayBerry Candle -
- Bedtime Story -
- Berkeley Gold -
- Bianca -
- Big Brother -
- Black Night -
- Black Swan -
- Black Taffetta -
- Blessed again.jpg -
- Blue Icing -
- Blue Pearl -
- Blue Rythm -
- Blue Sapphire -
- Blue Shimmer -
- blushing-pink -
- Brainwaite -
- Broadway Star -
- Brown Lasso -
- Bruno -
- Bullwinkle -
- Burgundy Brown -
- Buttered Popcorn -
- Cable car -
- caliente -
- Caroline Gold -
- Cee Jay -
- Champagne Elegans -
- Cherished -
- Cherry Falls -
- Chief Wakeshu -
- ChinChin -
- Chinkianq -
- ChristmasAngel -
- CimaronStrip -
- Clare Garland -
- Classic Treasure -
- Cliffs of Dover -
- Cloud of Dawn -
- Concord Sprite -
- Concotion -
- Constant Wattez -
- Coraband -
- Coral Chalice -
- Crinoline -
- Cute Orange Horn -
- Cutie -
- Dancer'sVeil -
- Dark Blizzard -
- Darkness -
- Dawn of Fall -
- Dessert Echo -
- Dorcas Lives Again -
- Dual Image ger -
- Early Frost -
- Edith Wolford -
- Edward of Windsor -
- Eleonor Rosefield -
- Emma Louise -
- Empress of India -
- English Cottage -
- Eternal Bliss -
- Fabulous Jeanette -
- Fantasy -
- Festive Skirt -
- FireCracker -
- flaming dragon -
- Flaming Sword -
- Flirtatious -
- Florentina -
- Floriade -
- Foamy Waves -
- Fort Apache -
- Fren Witch -
- Frost and Flame -
- Frothingslosh -
- Full Tide -
- Gai Luron -
- Gala Madrid -
- Gentius -
- George Specht -
- Gilbert -
- Gilvey -
- Gingerbread Man -
- Glee Club -
- Glowing Seraphin -
- Going My Way -
- Golden Muffin -
- Gold Fackel -
- Gondolier -
- Good and True -
- Gover Beach -
- Grace Phost -
- Grace Thomas -
- Haloween Halo -
- Harbor Blue -
- Harvest of Memories -
- Hawaian Holiday -
- Helge -
- Hellcat -
- Hero -
- Hi -
- Hi Ho Silver -
- Honey Glazed -
- Honorable -
- Horace Darwin -
- Hot Fudge -
- Icon Fever -
- I do -
- Immortality -
- Imperator -
- Indian Chief -
- Inty Greyshun -
- JanePhilips -
- Joanna -
- June Rose -
- Junior Prom -
- Kent Pride -
- Kharput. -
- Kiesing Circle. -
- Kiesing Circle -
- Kiss -
- Laced Cotton -
- Lady Snowflake -
- Late Lilac -
- Latest Style -
- Lavender Doll -
- Leapin Lizzards -
- Lenna M -
- Lent A Williamson -
- Lenzschnee -
- Lime Fizz -
- Little Mary Sunshine -
- Loop the Loop -
- Louisiana Lace -
- Lovely Again -
- Lovely Light -
- Madam Francois Debat -
- Madamme Motet -
- Magic Memories -
- Maid of Orange -
- Man From Rio -
- Marmelade Skies -
- Mascarade -
- Matinata -
- Maui Moonlight -
- Maui Moonlight ger -
- Midwest Star -
- Mission Ridge -
- momaquin -
- Morning Show -
- Natchez Trace -
- Nautical Flag -
- Nel Jape -
- New Idea -
- Nibellungen -
- NN. Orange -
- Nordic Chrystal ger -
- Nursery School -
- October Sun -
- Oklahoma Bandit -
- Ola Kala -
- On Edge -
- Orange Chariot -
- Orange Petals -
- Outreach -
- pallida -
- Party Dress -
- Peach Picotee -
- Peach Picotee ger -
- Pearly Dawn -
- Penny Lover -
- Pink Charm -
- Pinnacle -
- Prince Of Burgundy -
- Punch Line -
- Queece -
- Rabelais -
- Radiant Apogee -
- Rajah Brooke -
- Real Delight -
- Red Chips -
- Red Orchid -
- Red Zinger -
- Regalaire -
- Respectable -
- Ride Joy -
- Rimfire -
- Robusto -
- Rondo -
- Royal Regence -
- Royal Touch -
- Ruby Mine -
- Rustic Cedar -
- Salonique -
- Sangreal -
- Scintilla -
- Second Look -
- Senlac -
- Shore Bird -
- Sign of Leo -
- Silent Strings -
- Siva Siva -
- Snow Festival -
- Sparkling Waters -
- Spirit of Memphis -
- Spreckles -
- Springtime Madonna -
- St Crispin -
- Step Ahead -
- Stepping Out -
- Stich in Time -
- Sugar Blues -
- SultansPalace -
- Summer Luxury -
- Sunday Pinch -
- Sunday Sunshine -
- Sunny Delight -
- Sunset Sky -
- Superstition -
- Supreme Sultan -
- SusanBliss -
- Swazi Princess -
- tanzanian tangerine -
- Tranquility -
- TulipFestival -
- Violet Miracle -
- Vistar Chimes -
- Wabash -
- wench -
- Whing My Chimes -
- White Knight -
- Why Not -
- Wild Ginger -
- Wing My Chimes -
- Winners Circle -